


  1. There will be a Potluck lunch following the service this morning. Even if you are not able to bring anything, you are invited to stay and eat with us because we always have plenty of food. This is a great time of food and fellowship. I hope you will join us!


  1. Women, Monday night we will meet for a time of food, fellowship, and an encouraging word. I have been told that you do not need to bring anything, just come. However, we do need you to sign up so we know how much food to prepare. The men had 20 guys at their meeting last week. Let’s see if we can top them!


  1. We are having a great time at Empower Wednesday night Bible Study. Last week we learned about our Provider God, Jehovah Jireh. Plan to join us this Wednesday at 6:30 as we study the name Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals. As someone dealing with cancer right now, I can attest to how special this name of God is to me. I promise you will be encouraged if you come.


  1. We have 2 special Sundays coming up next month – March 16th and March 23rd. On March 16th, we will take part in “3:16 Sunday”. Pastor Paul will be preaching on John 3:16. This is a very evangelical passage that is familiar to everyone. On that Sunday, you will learn how you can start spiritual conversations and share the Gospel message with others.


  1. The following Sunday, March 23rd, Riley Israel will be our special guest. Riley is a former Power Team member & leader of Power 1 Ministries. Through feats of strength such as ripping big city phone books, snapping out of handcuffs, breaking wooden baseball bats, bending horseshoes, etc. and his personal testimony, Riley shares the message that people can be set free from the bondage of sin and walk in freedom and power over the enemy. I spoke with Riley this week, and he is very excited about coming. He is also trying to get a friend of his from Charlotte to join him that day so we will have 2 guys performing feats of strength. As this is the 4th Sunday in March, our monthly Potluck Lunch will follow. This is a perfect opportunity to invite unsaved people you know to church, especially families with children and youth. Invitation cards are available on the table in the lobby so you can start inviting people to join you on March 23rd at PCC. In 2 weeks, I will ask who has already invited someone to come, so be ready to say YES! A personal invitation is the best form of advertising. We want to have a full house that day. Make sure you put this date on your calendar now and plan to be here.


  1. One more announcement for today – as you know, our church participated in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox campaign last fall. We received a card from them thanking us for our contributions. Traci will read the card out loud on Sunday during announcements.