


  1. See Joe Muller if you have not gotten your giving statement for 2024. He has them available.


  1. The men will meet Monday night at 6:00pm for food, fellowship, and Bible Study. Men, you will want to come so you can know what the Men’s Ministry plans are for 2025. Make sure you sign the sheet so enough food can be provided. The women will meet the following Monday, January 27th. Ladies, please sign up and note if you can bring a side dish or dessert.


  1. We will resume our 4th Sunday Potluck after the morning service next Sunday. Sign up in the lobby and notate what you will bring so we have a good variety.


  1. We have been collecting a love offering for the Low Country Pregnancy Center during the month of January. If you have not yet done so, grab a baby bottle out of the Pack-n-Play in the Lobby of the church. Fill it with coins, bills, or checks made payable to the Low Country Pregnancy Center. Return your full bottle NEXT SUNDAY January 26th. All monies will go to support life by supplying ultrasounds, baby supplies, and counseling to those who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy situation.


  1. We are excited that Empower Wednesday night Bible Study has started back at 6:30pm each week. This is a special time of prayer and in-depth Bible Study. Pastor Paul is teaching the names of God which will allow you to get to know Him in a closer way. We started this past week with an introduction about why names matter and how we can benefit in our spiritual lives by calling God by His various names. I promise you will receive a blessing and learn something you didn’t know!


  1. Our first Family Movie Night for 2025 will be next Sunday, January 26th at 5:00pm. Invitation cards are available on the lobby table. We will provide popcorn and soda – just bring your own candy. You have one more week to invite your unchurched family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to this great night of entertainment and encouragement.